Friday, June 29, 2012

Random Thinking

When you're are younger you are asked , "What do you want to be when you grow up?" And if you are like I am , each year I answered a different career each year; Teacher, Police, Doctor, Artist, Singer, Architect. But why do you have to just pick one? Why can't you be 3 things? Being that I am an African American , woman all my life I have been told I won't be anything. That I will get pregnant by a man that doesn't love me , I will drop out of high school, and that I will work in retail my whole life. Needless to say, I graduated top of my class , have no children, and I am enrolled in a top university. So don't let what people say you will be effect who you become. Take each opportunity you can. Work hard. If everything begins to fall apart keep striving. Your break through is coming. Nothing worth anything comes easy. I don't say this because I can I say this because I know. Strive for excellence. You deserve it. Love, Peace, and Positivity.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Feeling Hot Hot HOT!

Went outside today and it is so HOT outside! I took my sister and my cousins to the pool and they loved it! So if you have to go make sure you are careful!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Day in the City Part 2

These are the pictures I took today ! 

A Day in the City

So today I learned about the Exposure Triangle. I went out to take videos and pictures with a VERY expensive Lumix HD camera. (Pictures soon) . We went to a bakery called Bread or something like that. I tried a grilled chicken sandwich. OH MY GOODNESS ! It was so nasty ! We walked past the White House and it was just as beautiful as it could be. By the way if you haven't already, REGISTER TO VOTE! I can't stress how important it is to vote ! Anyway, heading back home today and going to the movies later. If you want to learn about things or you want to post your own videos, is a GREAT place. That have cutesy little videos! Well thats all for now! Peace, Love, and Positivity ! (:

Mr. Photo Shoot

So I started to take shots and videos in the city and a guy walks up and says HEY are you a photographer?? I say um no i'm an intern. He said well can you shoot a photo shoot for my new album?? I'm an artist! How bizarre ! /:

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

AFSCME Internship

Started my internship with AFSCME yesterday! The building is marble and more than 6 stories tall. Right next to it is a breakfast nook that has great breakfast food if you're Downtown check it out. I am currently working on my own video and I will post it to the blog. I'm working with a lady named Hey Chong and she captures and edits video clips for the organization. The union is amazing and there are so many nice people ! D.C never ceases to impress me. I forgot to post pictures of family day on the Navy Base in Virginia Beach . Which was great by the way. My weekend has been very busy which is why I haven't been able to post recently. Hope you're staying positive. Try to do at least one good deed today. Believe me , one day it will come in handy. (: Peace, Love, and Positivity!

Friday, June 22, 2012

A Picture Says a Thousand Words


                       We have an AMAZING basketball team !                                                    

What school has fencing ? I think that I might even try it (:

        The school is religious , but what I like about it is that they don't shove their religion down your throat. You may take religious courses. I love to debate. I'm a follower of Jesus through and through.


      Dean (:                                          

Our gym. Once again the basketball team is AMAZING and there is an indoor track that you can run during events! How cool is that?

I am a Marlin !

Virginia Wesleyan . The one and the only.

Orientation Day

Went to visit my college Virginia Wesleyan today! I met my roommate and I'm not so sure about her but i'm staying positive. I signed up for my classes and got pretty good ones.  The campus isn't that big but it's FAR from home. Parties anyone ? (; I get to go into the dorm first because I'm in this special program called PORTfolio. The orientation wasn't what I imagined but I refuse to look at it negatively. Keeping my head up. Hope you enjoy the pictures I posted. Peace, Love, and Positivity !

Thursday, June 21, 2012

A Great Beginning

My very first post ! My blog is about my journey to positive thinking and a positive lifestyle. Let me start off by saying I'm not perfect and I never will claim to be. I just want to be BETTER. Have you ever had that feeling that there's more to life? Like, that feeling that you are called to do better things than what your doing now? It's because you ARE. Don't ever settle. And this blog is just about that (: Hope you enjoy. And feel free to post your inner feelings and positive living also!