Friday, June 29, 2012

Random Thinking

When you're are younger you are asked , "What do you want to be when you grow up?" And if you are like I am , each year I answered a different career each year; Teacher, Police, Doctor, Artist, Singer, Architect. But why do you have to just pick one? Why can't you be 3 things? Being that I am an African American , woman all my life I have been told I won't be anything. That I will get pregnant by a man that doesn't love me , I will drop out of high school, and that I will work in retail my whole life. Needless to say, I graduated top of my class , have no children, and I am enrolled in a top university. So don't let what people say you will be effect who you become. Take each opportunity you can. Work hard. If everything begins to fall apart keep striving. Your break through is coming. Nothing worth anything comes easy. I don't say this because I can I say this because I know. Strive for excellence. You deserve it. Love, Peace, and Positivity.

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